The sex party scene in London is huge, and when I am not too busy at London escorts, I go to a couple of professionally organised sex parties in London. They are great but sometimes they are a little bit too formal, and I would like to start my own sex party set. One of the guys I date at London escorts of, has got this amazing penthouse which he rents out for a fee, and he has offered to me for a silly amount of money. I asked him if it would be okay to throw a sex party, and he did not have a problem with that at all.

Sex parties in London can be expensive to go to, and not all of the girls at London escorts can afford to go. I don’t blame, and I am sure that a lot more people in London would love to go, but they simply are not prepared to pay silly money for cocktails. Another guy I date at London escorts, owns a couple of cocktails bars in London, and he would be happy to provide a free bar if he could promote his business. Why not? I am sure that people would be happy to have a couple of drinks free, and more than likely, it would attract some customers to his bars.

You could even get the party sponsored? I meet all sorts of gents at London escorts, and many of them have their own business within the field of adult entertainment in London. It is tough to promote adult business such as sex shops or strip clubs in London, so I thought about putting together swag bags for the party. That would in fact pay for the rent of the apartment, and I would know exactly how much I would need to charge someone to be included in a swag bag. Most of my dates at London escorts, would probably go for something like that. 

I am getting rather excited about my first party and I would love to have a go. What I really need to do, is to get the other London escorts onboard and ask them if they have any friends or London escorts dates, who would be interested. To make the party legal, you would still have to charge an entrance fee, and that could go in my pocket for organising the party. I think that it could really work out and I would love to start my won sex party circuit.

Knowing who to invite could be a problem, but the other day as I was locking the door to my London escorts boudoir, I came up with an idea. It sort of hit me like a bolt of lightning. Why not have theme nights? In that case, I would not have to worry about who to invite to my party. People would just turn up because they are interested in that particular theme. Actually I think that is a great idea. All I have to do now, is to get someone to sponsor the website. Now, who was that guy I dated who says he owns an online sex shop… it would be the perfect match.

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