Do you have to have long hair if you want to work for Looking at images of of, it would appear that most girls who work as escorts in London have long blonde hair. I would not mind having long blonde hair, but the thing is that I think I look much sexier with short blonde hair. Ever since I was young I have always gone for short trendy haircuts. I think that look just as sexy as long hair. But since I have been thinking about joining, I have started to wonder if I should grow my hair long.


Is short hair sexy? The thing is that a lot of guys I have dated in the past have never said that my hair does not look sexy. Looking at photos of myself, I do think that I look rather sexy even with my hair short. I have taken a few photos of me which I am planning to send off to a couple of agencies that I would like to check out. I am not sure how that is going to work out for me but I do really hope that there are escort agencies in London that accept girls with short hair.


What makes a blonde with long hair sexy? I have been thinking about it, and there is no hard and fast rule that says have to have long hair. It is a bit like super skinny girls. Not all men who enjoy the company of would like to date skinny girls. I am pretty sure that an equal amount of men who date escorts in London like to date girls who are curvy and a bit on the fuller side if you know what I mean.


Perhaps the same thing applies to blondes with short hair. I feel confident that an equal number of men would like to date girls who have got short hair. Does it matter if you are a blonde or a brunette? Well, I have to admit that I still think that a lot of men seem to think that blondes have more fun. Check out agencies and you will find many sexy brunettes smiling back at you in today’s gallery. As I like to say, both girls with short hair and brunettes can be just as sexy as blondes.

Why not – I am sure many men like brunettes as well as girls with short hair.


How do you join a agency? Mmm, I have been thinking about this. I know that there are men who actually recruit for But I have decided to do it in my own way. So I have put together a portfolio that I am going to send around to escort agencies in London. Maybe not all of them would like to recruit a sexy short hair blonde but I am sure that there are at least some who would be happy to take on a tall blond with short hair. Should I add that I look great wearing a PVC cat suit?  Maybe that would swing it for me.

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